Enjoying Beautiful Arts At Affandi Museum.

Enjoying Beautiful Arts At Affandi Museum

Beautiful art work is one of popular attractions of Yogyakarta. Therefore when I was on holiday there, I took some quality time to visit one of the houses of a maestro that is now used as a museum. Now that maestro house was famously known as Affandi Museum. The name of the Museum itself was taken from the original name of the maestro… “Affandi”.

Besides Ullen Sentalu, Affandi Museum is indeed one of the best museum in Yogyakarta. Affandi Museum is filled with most of his painting collections. For people which has no talent to paint at all like me, as long as I can enjoy the painting, it will be very enjoyable when visiting this place. Usually when in my hometown in Blitar, I usually enjoy the painting of my sister that displayed in the living room and our family room. Yes, I really enjoy any beautiful painting as well, therefore I made Affandi Museum on my itinerary list during my vacation in Yogyakarta.

Affandi Museum location is easy to find and the tickets is not too expensive.

Affandi Museum location is easy to find and the tickets is not too expensive.

Finding the location of Affandi Museum is not too hard, even the location of the museum is right in the main street of Yogyakarta, which is always busy everyday. The museum is located right beside Laksda Adisucipto Street number 167. It is the road that connects two major cities of Yogyakarta and Solo. Affandi Museum is also located on the west bank of the Gajahwong River. Therefore when I was at one of museum paintings gallery space, I could hear the sound of flowing water at Gajahwong River.

From the main entrance this museum looks so small. Although the actual area Affandi Museum is actually quite huge. From the information I got, this museum covers about 3500 square with a few pieces of the main building which is used as a gallery of paintings. In addition, in the middle of the museum area, there is a unique cafe called the cafe loteng. Inside the cafe is so relaxing, this is also the place where I can exchange my purchased tickets with free soft drinks.

Cafe Loteng which is located at the middle of Affandi Museum

Cafe Loteng which is located at the middle of Affandi Museum

Inside Cafe Loteng of Affandi Museum.

Inside Cafe Loteng of Affandi Museum.

There are no rules that I must enter which room first. All rooms have many interesting collection of art works by Affandi. But for maximizing the fun, I choose to start exploring sequentially from the first gallery. The first gallery space are featuring retrospectives of Affandi paintings from 1930-1980, Gallery II more featuring paintings sketches of the maestro, while a third galleries featuring more paintings by Affandi family.

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Of the three galleries at the Affandi Museum, I love the first gallery most. It is the place where I could enjoy the paintings works of the maestro from the beginning he painted until the end of his life. Most of the paintings in the gallery was painted with watercolors, pastel or oil paint painted on canvas. In the first gallery room also include a self-portrait sculpture Affandi made of cement and clay.

In some corners at the first gallery, there is also displayed some favorite stuff owned b the maestro Affandi. Most interesting ine is a 1976 Colt Gallant. The car on display is more like a race car than a normal car which is used daily. Maybe if the maestro is still alive today, he would have loved the Fast And Furious movie. Or the car inside this gallery is used to be for race? I don’t know exactly, but it also mentioned that the car which is displayed in this room has undergone several modifications. Meanwhile near the car also contained the maestro’s favorite bike. Well, not only racer he love biking too.

Inside the first gallery of Affandi Museum.

Inside the first gallery of Affandi Museum.

The car and bike owned by Affandi.

The car and bike owned by Affandi.

I should have been to Affandi Museum, accompanied by a guide who can explain the essence of every work of Affandi. But I do not know whether there are guide avaliable at affandi museum, who can accompany personal visitors like me. Because the guide is usually only available for group visitors. Even so, enjoying affandi work can still be done, because almost in every painting is written some information that explains what is the story behind the painting.

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Moving into the second gallery, is also the place for painting exhibition hall that opened in 1988. The building is two floors where the first room is for the exhibition, while the second floor is to stored some painting. Although visitors are only allowed to enjoy the paintings on the first floor only. Because the second floor is used for storing paintings, and only museum staff are allowed entering the floor.

One of painting at Affandi at the first gallery that I loved. The title is Mother Inside The Room.

One of painting at Affandi at the first gallery that I loved. The title is Mother Inside The Room.

The second gallery is also used as paintings exhibition of the maestro that are available to buy. But not only that, it was mentioned that in this room there are also other works of famous painters. For example the works of Sudjojono, Hendra Gunawan, Barli, Mochtar Apin which is also a good friends of Affandi. Compared with the first gallery, in this room I see many paintings that still sketched on plain paper.

Indeed all the building at the Museum Affandi are uniquely designed. Even the house of Affandi and his family are shaped like stage house with the main pillars construction made from concrete. While the wooden poles, and the roof is made of materials such as shingles that form like a banana leaf. The top of the stage house was a private room Affandi, while the lower part is used as a sitting room guests and car garage.

Prambanan Relief Sketch at second gallery.

Prambanan Relief Sketch at second gallery.

Some paintings at third gallery.

Some paintings at third gallery.

Of all the buildings in the Affandi Museum, the most unique is a large cart which is near the third gallery. As it turns out the cart was unusual like normal cart. But, the cart at Affandi Museum has been modified into a room, complete with a kitchen and a small room. Of course it was made at the request of Affandi’s wife, Maryati.

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The last building that I can enjoy in the Affandi Museum is Studio Gajahwong. A studio that was built in January 2004. The studio name itself is taken from the name of the river that flows near Affandi Museum. In this Gajahwong studio there are also many interesting paintings. This studio is usually used as an exhibition space and a workshop for some artists and students Gajah Wong Studio. Several paintings on display in the studio is the work of Didier Gajahwong, Affandi’s grandson who was also a painter. Incidentally he has painted the same style as his grandfather, namely expresionism style.

Some paintings at Gajahwong Studio.

Some paintings at Gajahwong Studio.

The view around Affandi Museum.

The view around Affandi Museum.

With a large collection of interesting and unique paintings, Affandi Museum is one of the attractive destinations for art lovers and painting lovers. Even for who can not paint like me it still an awesome place to visit. Everyone can be inspired by Affandi Museum. For whom need fresh inspiration, maybe you can having some quality time at Yogyakarta and visit the Museum Affandi. So, enjoy Affandi Museum, one of the best art museum in Yogyakarta:)

Information About the Affandi Museum :

Map of Affandi Museum.

Map of Affandi Museum.

Opening Hours:
Affandi Museum is open every day starting at 9:00 a.m. to 16:00. Close on national holidays.

Admission prices:
Visitors (International) IDR. 50,000 [Free soft drink & Souvenir]
Visitors (Local) IDR. 20,000 [Free soft drink]
Ticket Camera IDR. 20,000
Smartphone IDR. 10,000
For children aged 0-6 years free

Affandi Museum collection - Cock Fighting.

Affandi Museum collection – Cock Fighting.

Group tours:
For group visits must be booked in advance at the beginning, for groups up to 100 people there will be special discounts. Guide and teachers free entrance.

Affandi Museum Location:
Jl. Laksda 167 Adisucipto, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia (see affandi museum on the map here)

Vacation in Yogyakarta would be more efficient if staying at the centrally hotel located, comfortable, and very friendly service as in the Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel. Which is located in Prawirotaman street, many interest places, tasty culinary and shopping centers who are close to the Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel. To get additional discounts, room reservations can be made here.

Happy Adventure, Traveler!!
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