Explore Travel Destination Tourism In 2025

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Get lost in a journey once in a while is not that bad thing, moreover if you accidentally discovered a natural beach that is not exist in your itinerary. Especially if that beach was like a private beach, no one else beside you, your friends and a wild nature. Yeah! i call it ” stray but blessed with luck “.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Many people maybe not too comfortable traveling during the rainy season. Especially for the destination that need to cross the sea should be temporarily avoided, weather can be worse anytime at the sea. But, how about rafting?! Wether it is rainy or not, we will remain wet while rafting isn’t it ?!

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Declared as a national park in 1982, Tanjung Puting National Park encloses different types of ecosystem including the lowland tropical forest, dry-land forest, peat swamp forest, mangrove forest, coastal forest and secondary forest. Tanjung Puting supports the natural habitat of various endemic wildlife on the brink of extinction such as the proboscis monkey, agile gibbon and sun bear.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Sundays is a day when many of tourism spot in Bali is always packed with a sea of people. But this one seems not too popular destination on the island. I only seen two security guards who were chatting in front of the gate when I looked for a place to park my motorbike. “Just directly parking your motorbike inside” one of the security guard told me. Okay, this place seemed too quiet for a destination that is located on the international island such as Bali.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Jimbaran bay is one of well known tourism spot in Bali, especially it’s sunset dinner, sound’s interesting right? I had tried it once, but not it’s sunset dinner hahaha, i come late, it was night already. But still, that was an awesome dinner with my friends, and also my first time ever dinner beside the beach. Thanks to god for given me a chance staying in this wonderful Indonesian island, Bali.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Mangrove trekking tour will probably sound unfamiliar in the southern part of Bali. Mainly because beach tourism is the main attraction from southern part of Bali island. This time I found an unique destination which might still less known by tourists and backpackers. Does everybody have known mangrove trekking in south bali before? Well, even though it is located next to Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, the super busy, and sometimes jammed road, apparently this mangrove forest can be considered as a hidden destination in Bali.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Besides functioned as cultural preservation, the palace is also being a top tourist destination in the city of Yogyakarta. The reason is because there are many historic collections that are stored in the palace building, such as various gifts from the kings of Europe, a replica of the palace heritage (as Keris), and the musical instrument-Gamelan. From the shape of the building, people trust that the palace is one of the best Javanese palace architecture.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – From the main entrance this Museum looks so small. Although the actual area Affandi Museum is actually quite huge. From the information I got, this museum covers about 3500 square with a few pieces of the main building which is used as a gallery of paintings. In addition, in the middle of the museum area, there is a unique cafe called the cafe loteng. Inside the cafe is so relaxing, this is also the place where I can exchange my purchased tickets with free soft drinks.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – Traditionally, Thai people would politely pour a bowl of water on members of the family, their close friends and neighbors for good fortune and to pay their respects. As Songkran has taken a more festive note, a bowl has evolved into a bucket, garden hose and water guns, and the festive spirit of this holiday is shared among all residents and tourists alike.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – The location of the beach is not far from the temple of Uluwatu, and the wave make this beach is always crowded with surfers. I think the wave is the one which attract many surfers visiting Suluban Beach. Even though In the area of Uluwatu, there are many beaches that we can visit. Such as: Balangan, Tegal Wangi, Dreamland, Padang Padang, and Blue Point.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – From where we stay-Jungut Batu Village, we can found many low budget homestay and most of them also provide a bike rental, so we rented a motorbike to going around. Many options of the destinations can be choose in the island, for the example; Dream Beach, Mushroom Beach, Devil Tears, Coconut Beach, Mangrove and many more. If you want to come here, would be nice if you use a slow traveling style, so that all areas can be enjoyed with a more satisfying.

Idbackpacker.com (Indonesia Backpacker) – If I face a very busy weekend either in the office or on campus, of course that situation is making me want to do a short trip. With the destination which is close but still in an interesting place. Fortunately the Untung Jawa Island, I call this alternative beach because Untung Jawa is most nearest beach from my house that can be taken less than 2 hours, and very quite able to treat me when i am so miss to escape.